Commercial Pest Control

Virginia Beach / Norfolk Commercial Pest Control

Don’t Lose Business Because of Bugs

If you run a business, then you know how important it is to keep that business bug-free. Detect Termite & Moisture Services handles commercial pest control in addition to residential services. Our commercial pest control team will work with your landlord, building manager or HOA to create a comprehensive plan.

Call your local commercial exterminators at 757-583-4444 to schedule service for your business in Norfolk & Virginia Beach, VA.

Pests can cause major problems for your company

Depending on what kind of company you work for, unwanted pests can cause major issues. Clients can be put off by seeing pests in an office environment, and pests in a restaurant setting are grounds for legal action. Don't let that happen to you. Make sure you have commercial pest control in place for your business now.

Sign up with your local commercial exterminators in Norfolk & Virginia Beach, VA today.

A Business in need of Commerical Pest Control